Microsh Links is a URL shortener and campaign tracker that provides users with real-time analytics about link clicks, including information about the country of origin, referrers, and more. This tool is integrated directly into the main Microsh marketplace to allow seamless creation and tracking of shortened links.
Project Objective & Scope
Objective: To provide Microsh marketplace users with an efficient tool for creating and managing shortened links with detailed analytics, helping them optimize their campaigns.
- Develop a URL shortening service for a specific domain (clicka.click).
- Integrate real-time analytics for each link.
- Ensure smooth integration with the existing Microsh marketplace.
- Deploy and maintain the application using Docker containers on DigitalOcean.
How It Works
Users can create shortened links with custom domains directly from the Microsh marketplace interface. Once a link is created, users can access real-time analytics, including the number of clicks, country of origin, and referrers. This data is displayed through an intuitive dashboard, helping users to monitor and adjust their campaigns effectively.
Customer Satisfaction
Microsh Links has received positive feedback from users who appreciate the ease of creating and managing their links. The detailed analytics have empowered users to make data-driven decisions, leading to more effective marketing campaigns.
- Enhanced User Experience: Simplified link creation and tracking process.
- Detailed Insights: Comprehensive analytics provide users with actionable insights for campaign optimization.
- Performance: Optimized performance through the use of Docker containers and efficient database management.
Technical Challenges
- Real-Time Analytics: Implementing a system to capture and display real-time data on link clicks.
- Integration with Marketplace: Ensuring seamless integration of the URL shortener within the existing marketplace architecture.
- Scalability: Designing the system to handle a large number of shortened links and analytics data.
- Security: Implementing security measures to protect user data and ensure the integrity of the analytics.
Tech Stack
- Frontend: Next.js, Shadcn, React.js, React Query
- Backend: FastAPI, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy
- Deployment: Docker, Docker Compose on DigitalOcean Droplets
- Database: PostgreSQL